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FESCO Net Metering | Solar Metering

Imagine a solar system in your home that powers your house and generates more energy than you need. In that case, we can add that energy to the national grid station. This amazing system is called net metering. For instance, if any consumer has a solar setup in his house that can generate more energy than he usually consumes, he can apply for net metering. In a net-metered home, the electricity meter does housework reversely, counting units and adding credits to your account.

Net metering is a facility that sells electricity you can produce from solar or wind energy. The following image will help you understand how net metering works.

fesco net metering


FESCO has launched the net metering program in its area, opening up a great opportunity for its customers. Whether you are running a business, a house owner, or an industrialist, FESCO welcomes everyone to tap into the benefits of the net metering program. 

How does Net Metering Work?

The net metering works in the following manner:

  • The solar panel produces electricity from direct sunlight and converts it into DC (Direct Current).
  • The inverter transforms the Direct Current from solar panels into AC, or Alternating Current, necessary to meet your energy requirements.
  • Now, extra energy is sent to the national grid to share with other consumers.
  • A smart meter, also known as a green meter, tracks the electricity we are getting and returns it to the grid.

With the help of solar net metering, if your solar panels produce more electricity than you use, you can get credit for it. But the good news is that you can still get power from the regular grid when your solar panel can’t generate electricity in cloudy weather. At the end of the month, your bill is calculated based on what you gave and took from the grid. All these systems work in a user-friendly manner, and this give-and-take system is also called net metering.

Net Metering Application Guide

It’s a challenging task to apply for this procedure. First, you have to get a net metering license from NEPRA. After getting the license, you can submit your net metering application to the FESCO office. To apply for a green meter, you must follow these simple steps.

  • Agreement for Connecting Distributed Generation between the Distributed Generator and the Distribution company. (Schedule-1)
  • Application form for Connection Distributed Generation to the Distribution Company (Schedule 2)
  • Application for obtaining a license from the National Electric Power Regulatory Authority (Schedule III)
  • Application for Relief from Section 24 of the Act (Schedule-IV)
  • Schedule of Fees (Schedule V)
  • Written Statement (On non-judicial paper) (Schedule-VI)
  • Template for Obtaining a License for Power Generation (Schedule-VII)
  • Attested copy of your CNIC.
  • Please provide a copy of your last electricity bill payment. The name on the bill must match the name of the applicant. 
  • Must provide details regarding the technical specifications of components such as solar panels and inverters.
  • Visual diagrams outline how the system is set up, including a clear illustration of its configuration and a map indicating where the external disconnect switch is situated at the site.
  • Please provide a certificate verifying that a certified installer has thoroughly inspected the system

Processing and Procedure

Every electricity user in the country who fulfills the criteria of NEPRA can easily apply for net metering. Just follow these simple steps to send an application form to the Distribution Company.

  • Send the application form with all required documents to the FESCO or your authorized DISCO office, where the staff will check your application for processing.
  • In case of missing applications or documents, the concerned DISCO team will request that you complete them within 7 working days.
  • When you finish submitting your documents, the company will review them and do an initial check to see if you require connection to the grid.
  • This review can take almost 20 working days to finalize the application.
  • Your application must meet the rules of NEPRA to be able to process, and you will be informed accordingly.

NEPRA Net Metering Fee in Pakistan

The Distributed Generator has to submit a one-time fee via a pay order in favor of NEPRA. The fee structure for a net metering system in Pakistan for 2024 follows.

The rates of this system vary based on factors like the size of the installed system and whether it’s for domestic or commercial use. Typically, a residential net meter with average usage requires an investment of 80,000 to 180,000 rupees.


  • The green metering facility can be obtained by only those who have already  3-phase meters installed at their premises. 
  • The inverters need to be grid-tied. 
  • The maximum allowed capacity for this facility is 1000 kW. 

Benefits of Energy Metering

Solar panel and energy metering is a long-term solution for affordable power generation. It offers various advantages not only for its customers but also for energy-producing companies, such as:

  • Your small businesses can grow without bearing the cost of high energy.
  • Solar power companies prosper and create job opportunities for young engineers.
  • It also helps the government to cut the running cost of hydropower dams and decrease the excessive use of fossil fuels.
  •  Your electricity bills get reduced to a great extent.


Solar metering is a highly efficient and valuable technology by which you can generate electricity for your domestic and commercial uses. Not only this, it supplies extra energy to the national grid and effectively decreases your monthly bill. However, the government must bring some reforms in the energy sector and facilitate its consumers as much as possible. In this scenario, they should give some relief to their users and shouldn’t impose any extra taxes on solar panels. In this way, the shortfall in the energy sector can easily be compromised.


The minimum criteria is 1 kilowatt and must not exceed 1 Megawatt. 

Any electricity user with a solar energy system installed on their premises can apply for this facility.

On-grid means your solar system is tied to your local utility’s GRID

An off-grid solar system operates independently of the traditional power grid, utilizing solar panels and batteries to generate and store energy. It is commonly used in remote areas in the country.

The size of the solar system you can install for this facility may be subject to regulatory limits imposed by the Distribution Company.

By Asif

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