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Online Bill Calculator

Bill Calculator-Electricity Bill Calculator

We’re all concerned about our electricity bills due to the increasing prices. Everyone wants to know about his/her electricity usage. Electricity bills have many uncertainties as we need help understanding the tariff. For this purpose, we have launched an online bill calculator for your assistance. 

FESCO Bill Calculator

To calculate your electricity bill or any other Wapda bill in Pakistan, the first and foremost thing you need to know about is the general FESCO unit and slab rates mentioned on your printed bill. For better understanding, you must follow the given image’s highlighted area.

The FESCO Unit Rate 

FESCO is asking its customers to pay for each unit of electricity, which is also called one kilowatt-hour (kwh). The unit rate is not always the same, as it fluctuates occasionally. The national GOVT decides the unit rate because the FESCO is the sub-institute of WAPDA, which works under the Federal Government.

The FESCO Slab Rates

The rates we have been charged depend on our monthly electricity consumption; the higher our usage, the greater it is. It is very easy to calculate your FESCO bill online through a calculator available on this site. Calculate your bill from here.

FESCO Domestic Consumer Slab Rates

FESCO’s slab rates may change from time to time. But the following are the current slab rates for the Domestic users or the FESCO electricity bill unit rates. 

General Supply Tariff (Residential)

Protected Terrif

 Units/Per Month Units/Per Month
   For 50 units (life line)  Rs. 3.95
 From 51 to 100 units (life line) Rs. 7.74
 From 001 to 100 units Rs. 7.74
 From 101 to 200 units Rs.10.06


 Units/Per Month Units/Per Month
   1 to 100  Rs. 16.48
 101 to 200 units Rs. 22.95
201 to 300 units Rs. 27.14
301 to 400 unitsRs. 32.03
401 to 500 unitsRs. 35.24
501 to 600 unitsRs. 36.66
601 to 700 unitsRs. 37.80
Above 700 unitsRs. 42.72

General Supply Tariff (Commercial) A-2

SR NO.TARIFF CATEGORYFIXED CHARGES Uniform Determined Variable ChargesGoP Applicable July 2023 Variable Charges
a)For load less than 5 kW 37.3737.75
b)For load 5 kW & above500.0039.7339.43
c)Time of use500.0040.1834.2541.3535.38
d)E.V Charging Station 37.1039.43

A-3 General Services

Tariff Category Fixed ChargesUniform Variable ChargesGoP Variable Charges
General Service37.7437.31

B -Industrial Supply Tariff

Tariff CategoryFixed ChargesUniform Variable ChargesGoP Variable Charges
Upto 25 KW34.3834.33
Exceeding 25-500kW50034.2238.83
Time of usePeakOff-Peak
Upto 25 KW31.8032.33
Exceeding 25-500kW50031.4932.12
Upto 5000 KW46030.8432.03
For all loads44030.2031.93

C-Single Point Supply

Peak – 28.64

For Commercial Users

For commercial users, the tariffs are not the same and they vary on the electricity consumption. In short, the electricity bill calculator is a very good tool for assessing your electricity bill. By familiarizing yourself with the FESCO unit and slab rates, you can efficiently control your usage and costly energy bills.

How to Use the Energy Bill Calculator?

  • Enter the units consumed in a month, then click the enter button.
  • The approximate bill with the formula will be displayed, which includes the nearest amount and all taxes.
  • You can see the cost of electricity, FC Surcharge, Electricity duty, TV fee, GST, N.J Surcharge, and the last total billed amount.


The Calculator is like a true friend for FESCO customers. It’s very easy to use and gives you an idea of how much electricity is used each month. You can use it to plan your budget, check out different tariff options, and see if there are any big jumps in how much electricity you’re using. Moreover, if you consume less than 200 units and don’t cross the slab rates, you will fall into the category of protected users. This will ensure your benefit from special rates and protections.


Q. How is the FESCO bill calculate?

In Pakistan, our FESCO electricity bill is calculated by multiplying the total number of units you’ve consumed with the basic tariff rate. There might be extra charges for specific categories to give you the final amount.

Q. Are FESCO commercial rates different?

Yes, commercial rates vary based on electricity usage for commercial users. These tariff rates are not the same as those for domestic users.

Q. How can I use a calculator?

The power bill calculator is very easy to use. You should know about the unit and slab rates mentioned on your e-bill to control electricity usage and costs efficiently.

Q. Are FESCO Commercial rates different?

Yes, there is a huge difference between commercial rates and domestic rates. The domestic unit rates is much cheaper than commercial units.

visit our site for Download your FESCO bill:

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